Household Hint of the Day: September 13th 2009

Vinegar isn't just for dipping fries in anymore -- it's a great cleaning product as well!

Vinegar isn't just for dipping fries in anymore -- it's a great cleaning product as well!

Clean your shower heads with distilled white vinegar — another eco-friendly cleaning tip.

Fill a sauce pan with enough vinegar to cover the shower head entirely.

Place the saucepan on your stove and heat until the vinegar gets warm and starts to boil.

Remove from heat and let shower head sit in hot vinegar for an hour — the heat helps dissolve the mineral buildup on the shower head, but you don’t want it to be boiling hot or a plastic shower head would be damaged.

After the shower head has soaked long enough to remove the mineral deposits, take it out of the vinegar and wash it off.

Soak the shower head in the sink or run it through the dishwasher to remove the vinegar scent.

Reinstall your newly cleaned shower head, now free of mineral deposits, and be proud once again you didn’t need any harsh cleaning materials to get the job done!